

            After reading the short stories “The Metamorphosis” by Kafka, “The Guest” by Camus, “Requiem” by Akhmatova, and “Faust” by Goethe the reader gets a sense of the vulnerability of man's struggle to overcome situations that may or may not be because of his or her fault. One theme that appears to occur in the afore mentioned stories is morality. Many times, people end up in predicaments through no fault of their own and are faced with a choice: either overcome the obstacles faced before them or be overcome by the situation itself.

At the high school age, students are bombarded with temptations. The classroom is a perfect place to teach on how decisions can affect the rest of your life. “Faust” is a good example of how choosing pleasure over the everyday drudgery of life, can lead to dreadful consequences. Students can watch the film and work in groups to answer questions related to “Faust” and consequences. Explaining how sacrificing pleasure for ordinary circumstances is not always beneficial. “The Guest” is a different example about having morals, doing the right thing, and giving people the chance to make better choices in life. There are many online resources available for teaching “The Guest.”

To connect with high schoolers, try bringing popular culture into the classroom, this will make them more likely to listen, and learn from you. “Requiem” talks about war, grief, and choosing to live instead of living in gloom. I would relate “Requiem” to war related video games allowing students to better relate to the poem.


              After reading the short stories “The Metamorphosis” by Kafka, “The Guest” by Camus, “Requiem” by Akhmatova, and “Faust” by G...